Divine Siddha Varmam
Siddhas, the personalities who mastered the memories of nature’s forms, primarily worked on the human body. It is the same Siddhas who practiced and documented both medicine and varmam therapy hand in hand during ancient times. Hence, we call it “Siddha Varmam”.
In the Siddhas’ way, disease pattern is a memory, and altering this memory to restore one’s natural pattern of health is healing.
Varmam has its unique science that is rooted from ancient times. Varmam therapy is not just a massage, it contains technical applications for handling the varmam spots and the energy pathways in the body, it needs enough knowledge about the nature of varmam spots and the memory contained within it, which is being taught by a Varmam Master in his school.
From ancient times, there have been various schools – lineages in varmam. Though the core is one, which is reorienting and restoring the life force (varma attral) in the body, they differ in two aspects: one is the touch and the other is the reference varmam spot of origin, from where the therapy begins.
In my journey I have come across two such schools, they differ in touch. One is Menthodal (feminine in nature), which is followed in Agaguru Parampariyam. Siddha Thiru.Palpandian who belongs to this tradition, taught me the Menthodal approach. Another way of touch is Vanthodal (masculine in nature), which is being followed by Asans of some lineages in southern places of Tamilnadu such as Nagercoil and kanniyakumari. With regards to reference varmam spot of origin, one school is centered with Unnthi (naval) varmam, and the other with Ucchi (vertex) varmam. I am rooted with the earlier school – the Aga Guru lineage .
A varmam treatment seeker should not expect the same treatment protocol from one healer to another, as they may come from different schools.
Varmam aatral or Vaasi aatral – the vital energy force is in constant flow in the body so as to maintain the homeostasis. The free flow of aatral ensures health, and block in this flow results in disease.
This Varma aatral is derived from what we intake: food, water, air, habits etc. This aatral flows in the human body through specific paths called as “Naadigal” or channels. The flow of aatral in the body is facilitated well for those with good flexibility rather than in those with rigid bodies.
Varmam spots are vital locations that have more affinity to the Varma aatral and are abundant with it. Each Varmam spot holds a unique memory which is concerned with its range of energy, enabling connections with other vital spots, forming energy patterns and nourishing specific body tissues. The Varmam spot or point is also termed “Sthalam”, which indicates its sacredness. These points are liable to external forces and are well linked with each other throughout the body.
Varmam spots are actually connecting points between the Sthula (Gross body) and the Sukuma Udal (Subtle body).
The Varmam art demands a compassionate personality in the healer, and he himself must have a good flow of aatral. Such a healer’s touch, blended with precise execution of technique, brings out great healing for the sufferer.
Furthermore, when the healer is in a meditative mode, surrendering to his Aga Guru – the self, it provides a sustained relative aatral kalam (energy field) between the healer and sufferer. Further, the Aga Guru in the sufferer guides the treatment in its own healing path in silence.
Gratitude to Aga Guru parampariyam
Dr. M. Arunvanan,